Despite a series of extraordinary challenges, such as rising energy prices, material shortages, and economic uncertainty in many markets, the woodworking and wood processing industries are upbeat six months before LIGNA. Approximately two-thirds of LIGNA’s long-standing exhibitors have already confirmed their participation for 2023, with 75 percent of available exhibition space already occupied. The industry will gather in Hannover, Germany, from May 15 to 19, 2023, for its flagship trade fair.
“The high level of registrations underscores the importance of LIGNA for the woodworking community as a key networking hub and platform for development and innovation,” said Dr. Bernhard Dirr, Managing Director of the VDMA Woodworking Machinery Association. “After four years, the industry requires this face-to-face meeting in Hannover. It is even more encouraging that all market leaders have already decided to exhibit at LIGNA 2023 and will unveil innovations at the event “He went on. LIGNA’s appeal will be enhanced this year and next by digital elements designed to increase the event’s reach – before, during, and after the show.
“Based on the current rate of bookings and our discussions over the last few months, we can confirm our exhibitors’ high level of loyalty and commitment to LIGNA, which provides them with the opportunity to perform live demonstrations – not just of machines and tools, but of total solutions covering all aspects of their products and services,” said Stephanie Wagner, Head of LIGNA.
Key global players and national leaders will once again rely on LIGNA in 2023. Achim Homeier, Senior Director of Global Marketing & Product Management at HOMAG GmbH, says: “LIGNA is the leading trade fair and a unique platform for presenting innovations to all target groups, from craft to industry, for us at HOMAG. We display the entire spectrum, from individual machines to plants, software, and services, and receive direct feedback from our customers and interested parties for market-oriented further development.”
In addition to the opportunity for face-to-face networking and presentations at exhibition stands, LIGNA 2023 also scores high with its focus on current industry developments. According to Klaus Kullmann, Member of the Board of Management at Jowat SE: “Sustainability is the central theme of our time for our customers as well as for us. By choosing ‘Digitization’ and ‘Wood in Construction’ as its focus themes, LIGNA 2023 is addressing important sustainability aspects, presenting new, innovative solutions and thus reaffirming its position as the world’s leading trade show for our industry. For us, LIGNA is the perfect platform for face-to-face exchanges with customers and system partners, so we are delighted to be back as an exhibitor after such a long time.”
In addition to the presentation of tool and machinery solutions, next year LIGNA visitors can also look forward to discussions of highly relevant industry challenges at the LIGNA.Stage. At the LIGNA.Campus, participants from research and education will present their educational offers and research projects, and at the LIGNA.Future Square powered by VDMA, startups from the industry will showcase their business ideas. At LIGNA.Recruiting, professionals and companies will have the opportunity to present themselves in a digital job forum and exchange ideas in person in a matchmaking area onsite.
“Following a four-year hiatus, it is reasonable to anticipate a flurry of innovations at LIGNA 2023. LIGNA 2023 will be a must-attend event for all of us “Stephanie Wagner is looking forward to May 2023 with excitement.